Tag: "Google Compute Engine"

  • Metztli Reiser4 / Debian 11 Bullseye on Google Compute Engine (GCE)

    New Metztli Reiser4 based on Debian 11, codename Bullseye, still to be released by the Google Compute Engine (GCE) team.

    Use VirtualBox to convert your qcow reiser4 image into a disk.raw resource:


    VBoxManage clonehd -format RAW macuilli-matlactli-cempohualli-bullseye-gce-ce.qcow disk.raw

    And if the above fails due to buggy VirtualBox source code, then


    qemu-img convert macuilli-matlactli-cempohualli-bullseye-gce-ce.qcow disk.raw

    After successfully generating a disk.raw resource, TAR it using the old style tar archive:


    tar --format=oldgnu -cSzf reiser4-bullseye_disk_raw.tar.gz disk.raw

    Uploading our TARred disk.raw resource...
    We make sure there are no hyphens in the resource name that will be placed in our previously created metztli.it 'bucket' or storage container. Otherwise, we will get:

    InvalidUrlError: . is an invalid root-level object name.

    For instance, we replaced the hyphen with an underscore in the name of our TARred disk.raw resource as we uploaded it:


    gsutil cp reiser4-bullseye_disk_raw.tar.gz gs://metztli.it/reiser4_bullseye_disk_raw.tar.gz

    Then proceeded to create an image template from our TARred disk.raw resource:


    gcloud compute images create metztli-reiser4-bullseye-v20210331 --family="debian-11-reiser4" --source-uri gs://metztli.it/reiser4_bullseye_disk_raw.tar.gz

    Subsequently, we used our metztli-reiser4-bullseye-v20210331 image template to spin an instance named xochiquetzal with custom CPU/RAM at the Los Angeles, California, us-west2 region / -a zone.


    gcloud compute instances create xochiquetzal --custom-cpu=--custom-memory=4GB --metadata-from-file startup-script=./reghostkeyi.sh --tags chingon --image metztli-reiser4-bullseye-v20210331 --boot-disk-size=200GB  --zone us-west2-a

    which contents in reghostkeyi.sh file are:


    #! /bin/bash
    # Regenerates deleted host keys upon GCE image first boot
    sudo su -
    apt-get update
    dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=noninteractive openssh-server
    ##/etc/init.d/ssh restart
    systemctl try-reload-or-restart ssh

    We may peek into our xochiquetzal instance as it is booting into the Google Compute Engine (GCE) Cloud fabric...


    gcloud compute instances get-serial-port-output xochiquetzal --zone us-west2-a

    'Просто Я?'

    Вики Iztaccihuatl Xochiquetzal

    Виктория Одинцова : Viktoriya Odintcovo ~ Viki- Xochiquetzal's Instagram

    Feeding input values to dpkg-reconfigure in a non-interactive way