Installing Mathematica for OS/2 Symmetrical Multiprocessing (SMP) v2.11 / HPFS386 Hack in VirtualBox
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Procedure to install Mathematica v2.2 for OS/2 in my local copy of the VirtualBox 7.0.12 OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 virtual machine hosted in my four(4) CPU / eight(8) CORE Metztli Reiser4 development environment.
Subsequently this VirtualBox vm will be uploaded to a remote server, with a Metztli Reiser4 for AMD CPUs environment, i.e., reizer4, and I will utilize VBoxManage to increase the cpu count to 16 in the headless environment.
Although the visual media is self explanatory, I included a few Mathematica for OS/2 installation procedure snapshots which may be of relevant historical interest:
Diskette 1 has been inserted a priori and we can see that it is executing initial installation phase:
Mathematica for OS/2 installer prompts for diskette 2:
Diskette 2 installer executes and proceeds with second phase of installation:
Mathematica for OS/2 installation routine prompts for diskette 3:
Diskette 3 routine of the installer picks up where the previous left of:
Mathematica for OS/2 installer routine prompts for diskette 4:
Diskette 4 carries installation past the half of the total routine:
Mathematica for OS/2 installer prompts for the final diskette 5:
Diskette 5 installation routine completes the Mathematica for OS/2 installation:
Mathematica for OS/2 prompts us whether we agree with the default -named folder...
Or else
Subsequently, a dialog informs us that Mathematica for OS/2 is installed!
Nepohualtzintzin (Ne∙pohual∙tzin∙tzin) ≈ I can compute infinitesimals -- from the Nahuatl, real Mexico - Tenochtitlan's language -- which predates the alien Anglo-Saxons / Iberian / French, etc. all, European invaders' vulgar Latin -derived dialects on this stolen continent originally known as Ixachitlan ≈ Landmass Immensity.

would you send me the floppy disk images
of Mathematica v2.2 for OS/2 ?
Best greets,

Niltze [Hello]-
Thank you for your effort in contacting us. Unfortunately we are unable to fulfill your request. Hope you understand.
Best Professional Regards.
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