Tlacatecolotl: OS/2 for Symmetrical Multiprocessing(SMP) v2.11 HPFS386 on Headless VirtualBox 7.0.12
It is true that I ain't human, that I am become a supernatural being.
In Nahuatl, quintessential Mexico - Tenochtitlan's original language par excellence, the word/concept Tlacatecolotl is literally translated as Human Horned Owl and it conceptualized a conversion, transformation, or metamorphosis, into a supranatural being, given the fact that Tezcatlipoca,i.e., the Black Smokey Mirror [Teuhctli : Divine Entity] was known also as Huey Tlacatecolotl (Codex Chimalpahin) : the Great Supranatural [Divine Entity, implied]. As the nocturnal transfiguration of Ometeuhctli : Absolute Duality, i.e., male and female, darkness and light, divisiveness and unity, water and fire (atlachinolli), He who, out of nothingness, wills himself into Being, the Cosmic Trickster, Great Magician, and Master of Metamorphosis and Mockery, Tezcatlipoca is often portrayed with a black painted body.
Some twenty-five kilometers west of Cuahunahuac, i.e., Cuahutla (woods, forest) + nahuac (nearby, surrounded by): Cuahu∙nahuac, which has been corrupted into the spurious Spanish scum dialect as 'Cuernavaca', there exist the Xalma Oztotl, i.e., the 'Chalma' Caves (inanimate objects have no plural in Nahuatl). Quite early during the Spanish scum Christian fanatic terrorists' invasion (1521), they found out that the indigenous peoples of Anahuac, i.e., Surrounded by Water (literal meaning) or now known as the 'Valley of Mexico', engaged in pilgrimage to one of the Xalma Oztotl. The focus of those pilgrimages was to venerate a black, human -sized, representation of Ozto∙teuhctli, i.e., Oztotl : cave + Teuhct∙li : Divine Entity, itself another aspect of Tezcatlipoca in his typical black -colored body. Fact is that, similar to recent terrorist deeds, the Iberian State (IS) Christian fanatic extremists destroyed the ancient black Tezcatlipoca statue, and in its place they put a statue of their Jew idol, all painted in black, which they renamed as the 'Chalma Black Christ'
A case can be made that 'Western culture' is not an offspring of Greco-Roman civilization, but is actually based on a psychopathic Bіble. Unlike Persian and Chinese cultures, and even 'pagan' Roman Empire culture.
No further comment is needed; just pointing out the obvious. The fascist New Spain colony is not 'Mexico', as it is seething with institutionalized Iberian terrorism, corruption, and classism -- racism -- perpetuated since 1521 by the imbeciles arrogant Spanish genetic waste ruling over the ignorant masses; these latter, imbued in the alien fanaticism spoon-fed to them weekly, and by periodic rituals, by the descendants of those alien Christian fanatic terrorists, who are complicit in the ongoing plundering of the original Mexicah Nation's resources, with those regurgitating the falsehood of entitlement because 'we are Mexicans' -- they claim -- since circa 1821, a mere fig leaf of legitimacy since Mexicah implies Nahua which implies Chichimecah ethnic ascendancy, and yet disparaging and repressing the now 'aliens in their own land' destitute descendants of ancient culture(s) which flourished in Tlalnepantla, literally Mid∙Earth -- now even been renamed as 'Mesoamerica' -- as the alien Iberian occupiers' uprooting process continues unabated!
Enough of musings, I've got a post to complete now!
I took an OS/2 for SMP v2.11 two(2)-floppy boot image and relevant diskette(s) and wondered what it would take for it to undergo a transformation into an HPFS386 file system entity in a similar manner as the Mexicah concept of transformation into a Tlacatecolotl.
The following media illustrates the result of the actual transformation process where, for the sake of consistency with symbols, I performed the approximately ten(10)-minute OS/2 installation into drive H: which stands for HPFS386. Notice also that after successfully completing the installation image in my local Metztli Reiser4 environment, I proceeded to export the VirtualBox image into an .ova format file -- including the ISO media OS/2 for SMP v2.11 / HPFS386 installer -- as it is useful in case of a crash of the virtualized legacy image in the remote Metztli Reiser4 system where the VBox image is to be hosted.
After uploading the exported VBox image, I proceed to find out the brand and how many processors/cores are running at the remote system:
nproc | |
lscpu |

Additionally, we may want to verify how many VBox vms do we have, as well as to know how many VBox vms are currently running. Subsequently, we may give a dry run to importing our OS/2 and be attentive to what is printed to our KSH screen.
VBoxManage list vms | |
VBoxManage list runningvms | |
VBoxManage import OS211_SMP-HPFS-HACK.ova --dry-run |

Yes, we can modify our VBox OS/2 vm current settings:
VBoxManage import OS211_SMP-HPFS386-HACK.ova --vsys 0 --vmname "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --cpus 16 --description "OS/2 SMP 16 CORE/CPUs for 2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" |

Successfully imported the appliance.
Now we are interested in a Usable VNC plugin module, we can check with:
VBoxManage list extpacks |
Now checking, again, for existing VBox vms we can see our OS/2 for SMP v2.11 vm is listed; but not running yet.
VBoxManage list vms |
We also need to enable VirtualBox Remote Display Protocol (VRDP) for our OS/2 VM:
VBoxManage modifyvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --vrde on |
Then we assign an open port to VRDP (Note: it must be open in your firewall, else you will not be able to connect) :
VBoxManage modifyvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --vrde-port 5049 |
We assign a password that we provide to we establish the VNC connection -- for illustrative purposes, I entered OS/2:
VBoxManage modifyvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --vrdeproperty VNCPassword=OS/2 |

Now we are ready to start our VBox legacy OS/2 vm! It is too bad, XenSource, which I was a virtualization certified partner, never made an effort to boot OS/2 in their virtualization environment and, subsequently, a major Microsoft partner, Citrix, acquired XenSource.
Accordingly, Citrix would never engage in an effort to boot OS/2 in their newly acquired virtualization fabric -- as even GNU / Linux operating systems were relegated to simple 'guests' -- never to host the 'Administrator Console' ever again! MS/Citrix's modus operandi is to forcefully drop -- ram -- their Microsh💩, soft, proprietary 'home calling' (indeed, an euphemism for back-door-compromised)1 operating systems into your data centers to provision and overall control theiryour virtualization fabric.
Another example is when software virtualization -- similar to a type2 hypervisor -- Connectix VirtualPC vendor was taken over by Microsoft; all further OS/2 support/development was halted.
Taking as precedent IBM's indifference to OS/2 -- which IBM even balked at releasing its source code as open source -- it is some sort of an ironic feat for a competitor, Oracle, to acquire VirtualBox type2 hypervisor and not halt OS/2 support development. Thus, we are indebted to Oracle for essentially enabling us to perceive the elusive c. 1995 OS/2 for SMP v2.11, the archetype for subsequent derivations, such as OS/2 Warp and/or Merlin v4 for SMP, OS/2 Server for eBusiness, as well as the last two third-party so-called eCommStation (eCS) and ArcaOS hacks! 'Big Blue' could not be more than pleased to license the orphaned OS/2 to third-parties and parasitically reap ensuing royalties without even making a minimum investment in virtualizing the OS/2 boot procedure with the Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) Linux virtualization technology used extensively by Red Hat -- IBM's latest acquisition!
In summary, OS/2 for SMP v2.11 is a template -- in mere mundane terms understandable by dense so-called 'software engineers' who long for Mathematica for OS/2 and yet are unable to apprehend the conceptual Platonic Form which ephemerally manifests in the concrete tools they use in their daily work!
Ok. We can start our OS/2 for SMP v2.11 HPFS386 VBox instance in headless mode as in:
VBoxManage startvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --type headless |

Alternatively, we can also start our OS/2 VM as below indicated but it will take control of the current window shell:
VBoxHeadless -s "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" |
We can poweroff our OS/2 vm:
VBoxManage controlvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" poweroff |
And then we can double the original default amount of memory for OS/2:
VBoxManage modifyvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --memory=256 |
Also, we can modify our OS/2 for SMP v2.11 HPFS386 back to eight(8) CPUs/COREs:
VBoxManage modifyvm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --cpus=8 |
And, finally, we can unregister our OS/2 vm and delete it:
VBoxManage unregistervm "OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 Hack" --delete |
I proceed to install Mathematica v2.2 for OS/2 in my local copy of the VirtualBox 7.0.12 OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 virtual machine hosted in my four(4) CPU / eight(8) CORE Metztli Reiser4 environment. and then export the OVA format 2.0 file to my remote system and repeat the previous VBoxManage commands:
I end the VBoxManage command stanza by starting the OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 once again:
We approximate ℼ (Pi) to several numerical values and observe if OS/2 for SMP v2.11 with HPFS386 MPCPUMON.EXE registers anything:
NOTE: Mathematica for OS/2 is not included but... If you are interested in acquiring this OS/2 for Symmetrical Multiprocessing version 2.11 archetype installation image for VirtualBox in a USB stick -- which supports up to 16 CPU/COREs existing in the host bare metal machine, please see:
OS/2 2.11 SMP Bootable CDROM 10 Minute Installation Hack into VirtualBox
1 I can cite Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (i.e., state owned Venezuela's Petroleum enterprise, Spanish dialect acronym PDVSA) c. 2002 incident, when a mysterious shutdown of all Microsoft Windows machines required the intervention/migration by open source GNU / Linux experts:
'[] expertos informáticos venezolanos, activistas de la comunidad de Software y Conocimiento Libre en Venezuela, quienes formaron parte del equipo que recuperó las operaciones informáticas de Pdvsa durante el paro golpista de 2002-2003.'
'[] Venezuelan information technology experts, Free Software & Knowledge activists in Venezuela, who were part of the team who recovered PDVSA information technology operations during the 2002-2003 coup d'état strike.'
Information deduced from the link informing of José Luis Rey as a victim of homicide c. June/July 2015
Indeed, all the state-owned oil and natural gas company operations came to a halt merely because its recently democratically -elected President, Hugo Chávez, placed Venezuela's sovereignty above the Zio- Nazi US Government's capricious dictates!
"...almost from the moment Chavez was elected in 1998, Washington started to plan for his removal. Through the [CIA front, National Endowment for Democracy] NED, the U.S. began funding and training groups that would lead the April 2002 coup against Chavez, flying its leaders back and forth from Washington D.C. in the weeks leading up to the event. The U.S. telegraphed so clearly what would happen that Senators such as William Delahunt (D—MA) publicly sought reassurances that the U.S. would not support extralegal methods in removing Chavez.
On the day of the coup, the U.S. Ambassador to Venezuela was present at the coup headquarters in Caracas, while U.S. Army and Navy units were also involved in the actions [, as well as Microsoft surreptitiously attacked PDVSA via its backdoored proprietary operating systems and/or applications software ]..."
"In 2002, during a Washington-backed coup, Mavis's sons and daughters and grandchildren and great-grandchildren joined hundreds of thousands who swept down from the barrios on the hillsides and demanded the army remained loyal to Chavez."
RIP John Richard Pilger (09 October 1939 – 30 December 2023)
DISCLAIMER although due diligence has been applied, this resource is made available for illustrative purposes on an AS IS basis as this is a hack of a legacy OS/2. The procedure only reflects my own modifications, my limited testing, and the potential user(s) who execute(s) the procedures assumes all risks.
Please do not hold me or Metztli Information Technology (and/or its associates) responsible if the information provided here does not achieve the desired result. The information is provided AS IS and with the hope that it may prove useful to the Internet community --especially those legacy-minded individuals still interested in OS/2 potential development -- as IBM is definitely not.
Notwithstanding, There is no implicit or explicit guarantee that the information presented here is accurate --even though due diligence was exercised during the procedure. Accordingly, if an user(s) decide to implement the procedure or shell commands described here she, he, or them, do so at her, his, or their own risk. You have been forewarned.
Metztli IT, but not other entities, reserves the right to modify the content -- to correct and/or elucidated procedure(s), for instance -- and/or even delete all or partial, including blog post, without previous notice.