Category: "Ixachitlal"
Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, on Nuclear conflict risk, Ukraine and Syria escalation
By Jose on Dec 6, 2024 | In occidente, europa, Ixachitlal, Russia, West, Middle East | Send feedback »
The Орешник : Oreshnik hypersonic missile test was a *подсказка* : *hint* to Washington, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has implied
(Once the video player has started, right selecting (or 'clicking') your device (or 'mouse') will show menu option, 'Open video in new tab', which will enable larger screen size.)Lavrov (paraphrasing):
In the White House there are US Anglo- Zio- Nazi uber supreme imbeciles like the so-called National Security Communications Advisor, John Kirby who, when answering questions about escalation and about possibility about nuclear weapons being employed he said: 'oh, no, no, no! We don't want escalation because then... if there is some nuclear element then our European allies will suffer.'
So even mentally he... excludes that the United States can suffer. And this is something which makes the situation a bit risky; it might... if this imbecile exceptionalist mentality prevails then some reckless steps could be taken. And this is bad.
So what I think you are saying is American policy makers imagine there could be a nuclear exchange that does not directly affect the United States and you are saying that is not true [?].
That's what I said, yes.
Stoic Lavrov Drops the Punchline: A Chilling Warning to the West Anglo- Zio- Nazi Mafia
When Sergey Lavrov sat down with Tucker Carlson, expectations were high. For years, Lavrov’s presence on the global stage has been nothing short of theatrical brilliance, a blend of sharp irony, razor wit, and a touch of swagger that could shame even the most skilled Western diplomats of yore. Lavrov, cigar in hand, has long been the unshakable statesman, the maestro of diplomacy who could eviscerate NATO hypocrisy with a smirk. But this time? Lavrov wasn’t playing for applause. This was a performance of a different kind: subdued, stoic, and surgical. For those paying attention, it was less about theatrics and more about signals - serious signals.
Lavrov’s delivery wasn’t meant to dazzle Carlson’s audience but to issue a calculated warning to Washington. Denying any official state of war with the U.S. - because legally, there isn’t one - Lavrov cut straight to the point: we’re already in a hybrid war. And in this war, no rules apply. NATO, Lavrov noted, has crossed one red line after another, utilizing ATACMS and Storm Shadow missiles to strike “mainland Russia.”
Russia’s Oreshnik hypersonic-ballistic test wasn’t just another display of superior military tech. Lavrov clarified the message: “We would be ready to use any means not to allow them to succeed in what they call the strategic defeat of Russia.” The subtext? Continued long-range attacks on Russian territory will have devastating consequences. Lavrov’s calm yet firm tone left no doubt, Russia will not blink, and any further provocation risks escalation the West is woefully unprepared for.
Lavrov also pointed to something chilling: NATO’s flirtation with catastrophe. He referenced STRATCOM officials discussing the concept of a “limited nuclear exchange,” as though such a scenario wouldn’t plunge the world into the abyss.
As for Britain, Lavorv’s silence said it all. Boris Johnson’s infamous visit to Kiev, where he ordered Zelensky to abandon Istanbul peace talks, encapsulates London’s kamikaze diplomacy. Unlike Germany or France, who at least maintain a pretense of dialogue, Britain has chosen to lead the charge of escalation and vile Russophobia. The unspoken message was clear: if Russia decides to make an example of any vassal, it will be London. Britain’s blind faith in U.S. protection is dangerously naive, given DC’s long history of sacrificing allies to save itself. Mutually assured destruction won’t be triggered over Britain.
NATO as an alliance is a parasitic protection racket, extorting loyalty and resources from its members while delivering only chaos. NATO’s expansion eastward, has ignored every Russian red line, pushing recklessly to Russia’s doorstep. Now, NATO’s overreach extends to the Indo-Pacific through AUKUS, underscoring its imperial overstretch.
Western hypocrisy, as always, was a central theme. Lavrov dissected how the UN Charter is selectively applied, preaching territorial integrity when convenient while ignoring self-determination. From Kosovo to Crimea, the double standards are glaring. For Lavrov, this conflict isn’t just about borders; it’s about the survival of Russians as a people and Russia as a sovereign state. For Moscow, this is existential.
The grim reality of near-total breakdown in U.S.-Russia dialogue adds another layer of danger. Outside basic missile notifications and prisoner swaps, the nuclear superpowers are barely speaking. Lavrov didn’t sugarcoat it: “The risks of miscalculation are greater than ever.”
Lavrov’s tone may have seemed understated, even subdued. But that misses the point. This wasn’t about delivering a headline-grabbing performance, it was about signaling the end of illusions in the West. Lavrov made one thing clear: Russia will survive this conflict, no matter the cost. This is no longer Lavrov the maestro of irony and witty takedowns. This is Lavrov the war diplomat, the seasoned statesman signaling the beginning of consequences. And for the West, that should be terrifying.
Nuclear conflict risk, Ukraine and Syria escalation: READ Lavrov’s interview with Tucker Carlson (FULL VERSION) — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union
"A strategic defeat has been declared as the goal for Russia, similar to what London and Washington planned in May 1945, when they developed 'Operation Unthinkable' aimed at destroying the USSR, even before the end of World War II," as quoted in Lavrov: Western Attempts to Defeat Russia Mirror 1945 'Operation Unthinkable'
Putin's State of the Nation Speech, 29 February, 2024
By Jose on Feb 29, 2024 | In Ixachitlal, Russia, West | Send feedback »
"Putin rejected claims by the US and its allies that Russia could launch an attack on Europe. 'The West provoked the conflict in Ukraine, in the Middle East and in other regions of the world, and they continue to lie. Now, without any shame, they say that Russia supposedly intends to attack Europe. We here understand that it’s nonsense,' he stressed.
(Once the video player has started, right selecting (or 'clicking') your device (or 'mouse') will show menu option, 'Open video in new tab', which will enable larger screen size.)The Russian leader also reacted to recent reports in the American media that Russia is planning to deploy nuclear weapons in space, saying that those stories were 'misinformation,' aimed at involving Russia in negotiations on US terms.
Some countries are destroying moral standards and pushing their peoples towards extinction, but 'Russia chooses life,' Putin said.
Vladimir Putin has warned that the consequences of possible interventions in the Russian Federation would be much more tragic than in previous eras. 'Attempts at a new intervention in Russia threaten a large-scale conflict with the use of nuclear weapons,' he said.
Putin announced plans to strengthen the Russian Armed Forces in the west of the country following the accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO.
'Russian opponents must remember that it has weapons capable of hitting targets on their territory,' he said."
Estonia's schizophrenic fascist lil' US bitch, PM Kaja Kallas, joins his ilk US whore Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis intoning an insufferable yapping against all things Russian.
Putin's State of the Nation Speech, 21 February, 2023
By Jose on Feb 21, 2023 | In Ixachitlal, Russia, West | Send feedback »
'Before we return to discussing this agreement [New START Treaty], we must understand for ourselves what the intentions of countries like France and the UK are and how we will consider their strategic arsenals as well, which is the cumulative striking potential of NATO.'
(Once the video player has started, right selecting (or 'clicking') your device (or 'mouse') will show menu option, 'Open video in new tab', which will enable larger screen size.)Wiphala: Symbol of Bolivia's Indigenous Peoples' Defense Against USA/Europe's Looting of Their Lithium.
By Jose on Nov 20, 2019 | In occidente, europa, Ixachitlal | Send feedback »
Wiphala: symbol of Bolivia's Indigenous Peoples' resistance against USA's coup d'état that toppled their democratically -elected president, Evo Morales,
and to reject the imposition of a fascist christian fanatic, terrorist puppet,

She perpetuates the alien Iberian fascist christian fanatics' racism-loaded term, 'indians,' which in their sick minds roughly connoted 'untermensch.'
She will be instrumental in opening Bolivia's natural gas and lithium to be looted by the West's transnationals.
Just as in 1492, and onward, when Spanish scum genocidal christian terrorists invaded Abya Yala ['South America'], today in Bolivia, descendants of those natives who were brainwashed into the alien Iberian genocidal cult of christian fanaticism engage in similar terrorism against their own ethnic brothers and sisters:
(see full clip below)
How the Organization of American States (OAS) secretary general Luis Almagro's Deception Enabled the Coup in Bolivia.
Evo Morales on Bolivia's lithium and Socialism.
I would say that some of the groups in whose hands economic power is concentrated cannot forgive us for creating social movements --especially in the indigenous populations' movement-- which has changed the image of our beautiful country.
They also cannot forgive us for nationalizing our natural resources as strategic companies which have improved Bolivia's economic system. Upon the successful creation of a developed lithium industry, Mr. Álvaro [Bolivia's Vice-President] and I planned to set lithium prices on the world market.
But... In the creation myth of West capitalist patriarchy, rich, white, powerful, overhyped narcissist clowns, are the 'creators' and sole owners of human creativity2 ~...
AND if they covet Bolivia's lithium, they believe their lawless hegemon regime is entitled to engage in bribery, deception, and brute force, to topple Bolivia's democratically -elected government of Evo Morales, repress and kill indigenous people --as the latter are tacitly considered 'untermensch' and thus expendable-- when the aim is to loot their resources.
I realized, though, that some industrialized countries are afraid to compete. First, in the field of technological development. And second, they do not want other countries to follow the example of our economic model –which is based on socialism.3
CIA engineered coup on behalf of powerful business interests coveting Bolivia's lithium ~ Chris Hedges
An Upside Down World.
First, fascist Europe's Spanish scum invaded to steal the gold, silver, and land... Now Europe's fascist settler spawn coup to steal the lithium.
'We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.'
Is Elon Musk complicit in Bolivia’s coup?
There is no America.
There is no Democracy.
There is only... Corporations... those are the nations of the world, today.4
What Goes Around, Comes Around:
Oh, The Irony!
RT interviews ousted Bolivian president Evo Morales, now exiled in neighboring country Argentina, for his take on US Presidential Election 2020 chaos:
'When the right wing lose, they make accusations of electoral fraud. Now, I hear in the media that Trump is talking about fraudulent elections in the United States. So why then does he not turn to Luis Almagro, the head of the Organization of American States [OAS -- OEA, in the Spanish scum dialect translation]; after all, the OAS know -- like no one else -- how to organize coups. The OAS is always watching everything that happens in 'Latin' America; but what are Luis Almagro and the OAS doing if they are not watching the US elections?
Americans go to elections and vote but, unfortunately, the country is ruled by neither the people nor the presidents elected by them -- no matter what party. In fact, everything is ruled by transnational companies, capitalism, entrepreneurs -- this is a huge difference from the change that is taking place in Bolivia. In the US, perhaps more radical, fascist, racist, right wing forces will win over more moderate right wing forces.'
'We All Carry a Bit of Bolivia with Us in Our Mobile Phones'
Before the US-backed coup, Evo Morales pivoted his country [Bolivia] toward China. They had a number of important deals, including the Chinese help putting an [outsourced] Bolivian satellite into space -- called, Tupac Katari satellite -- the Americans were furious about this; and they overthrew the government [utilizing their Spanish scum minion OAS secretary general Luis Almagro].
The United States cannot actually compete commercially [with China] -- as you see with Huawei and Zte -- they are using extra economic means to break the back of the Chinese commercial developments in these parts of the world.
For instance, ...not one Silicon Valley CEO has come out to condemn Trump's trade war against China -- because they agree with the trade war, because that's the only way they can compete with Chinese high tech firms at this time.
Accordingly, 'issues of US foreign policy, US aggression... this is a bipartisan consensus: to use US power, as much as possible, to secure the basic advantage to American corporations.'
But then Evo Morales, himself a modern victim of the Anglo- US racist, fascist, interventionism -- just as Tupac Katari was victim of racist, fascist, Spanish scum imperialism -- naively asserts that such 'imperial policy' comes to an end as Joe Biden allegedly defeats Adolf Trump in the 2020 presidential election5.
Notwithstanding, 'I don't see any difference in a Biden administration...hummm, between Biden and Trump,' elaborates Vijay Prashad to RT's Going Underground6, 'Biden will be a little more polite, but this politeness when bombs are being dropped on you is, to my mind, irrelevant.'
1 Introducing the new 'president' of Bolivia.
2 We don't need GM bananas for iron deficiency
(watch full documentary)
3Make the economy scream
4 Watch full documentary in scheduled episodes at ; alternatively, White Pine Pictures and Ventana Film Present a Film by Fred Peabody: The Corporate Coup D'État.
Censorship Follows When Exposing Truth to Orwellian Establishment.
By Jose on Apr 28, 2019 | In occidente, europa, Ixachitlal | Send feedback »
"The New York Times has apologized for printing a cartoon depicting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a guide dog leading an apparently blind Donald Trump."
There are several ways to interpret the cartoon. It is, of course, an insult to dogs to have them depicted in such a fashion as to suggest that they might behave like the monstrous Israeli Prime Minister. No dog would sink so low. One observer, commenting from a dog’s point of view, noted that "We canines share that saying that 'the eyes are the window to the soul.' Look into our eyes and you’ll see love and trust. Look into Netanyahu’s eyes you see cunning and deceit so why stick his head on our body?"
On the other hand, one might see in the cartoon a serious message, that Netanyahu has been able to "wag the dog" with an ignorant and impulsive United States president who is so desirous of pandering to Jews both in Israel and in the U.S. that he [dehumanizes 'Mexicans' and Central Americans in the manner Netanyahu's Zio-fascism besmirches Palestine and Gaza human beings] and is blind to his obligation to do what is best for the American people. Trump, who is the first president within memory not to own a dog, would rather stroke the head of the disgusting casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson than an intelligent and loyal Labrador retriever.
The cartoon was immediately blasted as being 'anti-Semitic,' of course, because the definition of that "hate crime" has now been expanded to include criticism of anything that is even remotely Jewish. The Times twice went into full apology mode, promising never to do anything like that again and implying that heads would roll. The paper’s spokesperson stated that the publishers were "deeply sorry" and elaborated that "The image was offensive, and it was an error of judgment to publish it. Such imagery is always dangerous, and at a time when 'anti-Semitism' is on the rise worldwide, it’s all the more unacceptable. We are committed to making sure nothing like this happens again."
The NY Times' Rank Dishonesty About What is Happening in Gaza --RI
Nohpalli, symbol of resistance and perseverance for the real Mexicah -- and Palestine / Gaza people, too.
"Israel in Palestine: this is the presence of colonizers connected with imperialism, capitalism, and the common interests of western powers, which has lasted for many years. Israel is part of the West's colonizing system."
Bassem Tamimi (Ahed's father).
Janna isn't just my cousin, she is my friend and my support. If I am arrested again, or anything happens to me, I won't worry because I know people like Janna will continue my work. She will be able to fight for our idea as I did.
We must return to pre-occupation Palestine, a Palestine where Islam, Christians, and Jews, co-existed peacefully. Many Jews share pro-Palestinian views. Our problem is with those who are for Zionism, not with Jews.~
Ahed Tamimi
Occupation To Annexation: Israel Targets The Jordan Valley
'For Palestinians living in the valley, the vast majority of which is occupied by the Israeli Army, the daily reality is harassment at checkpoints, water restrictions, systematic house demolitions, and evictions. In essence, to make the life of the Palestinian people a daily living hell!~
As the pusillanimous UK / European politicians voice frivolous statements and feign dismay at the final annihilation of Palestine, they are, in fact, complicit with their fascist ilk, the Zionist land thieves.
As the world's attention is fixed on the US Presidential Election 2020 circus, the criminal, lawless regime Israel, 'demolish 70 Palestinian structures, incl. homes, displacing about 80 Palestinian Bedouin citizens.'
Longing for Palestine: Art of Resistance