Comment from: Owen F Thomas Visitor

Comment from: Jose Member

Sr. Owen F Thomas:
I find it amusing that you be engaged in such fantastic endeavor. But tell me, would not academia entities like the UNAM be more adequate –and have more resources– for the task that you have taken on solo?? As I understand, the above institution was tasked with the creation of a Náhuatl - Español dictionary for the student population of México city.
On my side, well, I am not retired and with lots of time. I am immersed in the technical demands of this plug-in project for the IBM Lotus Symphony productivity suite among other business matters. Besides, the non-technical linguistic aspect is huge and the time required to achieve a certain success in this project will be determined by human variables.
In the meantime, you are welcomed to download the OpenOffice based, natively supporting the truly Open Document Format (ODF), operating system agnostic Java-based, IBM Lotus Symphony for your own use –at no charge. Although it is in beta testing phase currently, it will soon be generally available (GA).
It has been many years since I constructed a sonar control system based on the Forth computer language which was open source. I now have interest in reading a picture manuscript which preceded Nahuatl as written in Spanish orthography.
My blogs show how little I have accomplished but there is a digital structure to the picture manuscript.
Can we cooperate in this effort?